ETGroup Blog

L’Arte della Fisica

The Art of Physics

From Luigi Russolo to Renzo Bergamo

“Colour is energy and the meaning of life itself, it makes you understand the present and foresee the future”

Renzo Bergamo

From March 12th until July 3rd, 2022, the Palazzo Vescovile in Portogruaro will host the exhibit “L’Arte della Fisica – da Luigi Russolo a Renzo Bergamo” (The Art of Physics), an immersive, multi-sensorial experience where the influences between the different arts and their languages come face to face, in order to rediscover the close relationship between arts and science.

Bergamo’s visual language

Renzo Bergamo – an artist from Portogruaro, managed to undertake a massive artistic exploration across the years, where art draws strong influences from the world of physics. The painter was a self-declared astrophysics enthusiast, and his artistic language translates physics concepts, formulas and problems into a visual style, in an effort to better explain them.

Renzo Bergamo – L’Arte della fisica

In his conceptual work “estEtica del caos”, physics is represented as a series of open systems that constantly shift between order and chaos, annihilating the barriers of space and time. Through immersive and multi-sensorial paths complete with sound and video, visitors will dive into Renzo Bergamo’s huge monographic opus, featuring more than 90 works of art.

Russolo’s aural language

Besides Renzo Bergamo’s visual artwork, the exhibit L’Arte della Fisica will draw you into the sound world of futurist composer Luigi Russolo – another artist that Portogruaro holds dear. Russolo combined his own art with science as well, by dedicating the last years of his life to experimentation to metapsychics applied to the use of sound.

The extended exhibit will start from the main location of Palazzo Vescovile, and will then proceed into a showcase itinerary spanning from Sala delle Colonne at city hall, to the foyer of theatre “Luigi Russolo” and the exposition area “Space Mazzini” in Lugugnana.

Check out our “Culture & wine” package at Savoy Beach Hotel & Thermal Spa , so you can experience a delightful stay by combining Bergamo and Russolo’s art to a relaxing seaside holiday.

Info and tickets

PORTOGRUARO, Palazzo Vescovile, Via del Seminario n.19


Tuesday to Thursday 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm; Friday 2:30 pm to 7:30 pm; Saturday, Sunday and festivities 10 pm to 7 pm.
Closed on Mondays.


Full ticket € 10.00
Reduced ticket € 8.00 (high school and university students from 18 to 26 years old with ID card, over 65, members of FAI)
Ticket for underage students and groups of schoolchildren € 5.00

Free entry: children under 5, diversely abled people + 1 caregiver.

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