“We all have a hidden treasure and skills wihin, we must only learn to recognise them”. Francesca Valla
Francesca Valla is a trainer, a teacher, a writer, a Tv nanny, a counsellor but above all she is a MOTHER. Today Francesca is a primary school teacher, she holds courses of parental training and she is an educational expert.
She deals with education on Tv, on the radio, at school… and at home. Francesca Valla’s objective is to help other people to take care of themselves. She speaks about parental training around Italy, organizing events and company workshops
which are focused on family, parental role and conciliation between job and family.
She is author of the books “S.o.s. Tata”, “Cara Francesca… Dalla Tata più famosa d’Italia, le risposte ai dubbi e ai perché dei genitori”, edited by Kowalski. “Una rima tira l’altra”, edited by Gribaudo. “Facciamo la pappa. A tavola coi bambini” and “E’ facile fare la mamma
… se sai come si fa” edited by Mondadori. Creator of the show “Show Edutainment – a Nanny at home” she came to Bibione for the 1st time in 2016, with a show focused on education seen through the emotions of adults and children. An innovative way of training,
in a holiday framework with unexpected opportunities, as proved by the success of the 2017 edition which has just finished.
We would like to thank Francesca Valla for giving us this open-hearted interview, where the children and their parents are the focus of one aim: the family’s well-being.
Francesca Valla, the famous Nanny of the Italian Tv, loved both by adults and by children… A deep connection with Bibione… Which advice would you like to give to a family that wants to spend its holidays here and have fun in the open air?
Bibione as a child-friendly town: what do you think about it and what can be improved?
A child has to find an environment in which he/she can feel completely at ease. When I was a child I use to come to Bibione and now I come with my daughter, who is happy to come here. A suitable holiday for children is at direct contact with nature: playing, exploring
and discovering new things. It means forgetting the daily routine of life, travelling by car, at fixed times and with a schedule to follow. When I go on holiday with my family I leave the car in the garage and I ride my bike with my husband and my daughter. Bibione has to be
explored by bike, sometimes it is necessary to pull the plug and breathe the fresh air feeling free.
I must recognise that the city of Bibione has believed in this educational project which was taken in the streets. I have decided to spend energy in the children’s well-being. A moment of sharing and listening is a fruitful moment for a family’s well-being.
Just like I have written on my Facebook page,
“It is necessary to focus on education to stop remaining powerless while facing certain daily attitudes! In order to prevent violence in all its forms, a good education is necessary”.
What the city of Bibione can do to become even more child-friendly, is developing new projects dedicated to the family, in which children can take part in a group experience and become an active part of the family.
Something which can make the difference in Bibione is a space especially dedicated to mothers, through a series of dedicated events, in which they can listen and share, feeling accepted, understood and not judged, as happens frequently in everyday life.
Anoher project which Bibione can undertake is developing children’s skills through specific training programmes.
What has to be present in an ideal accommodation for a family holiday?
Children are easy to adapt in every situation, the only thing they really need is to be with their family in all serenity. A child can spend a happy holiday and have fun only if his/her family shares this feeling of happiness with him/her. Moreover the sea air is good for children and the direct contact with nature is a great stimulation for children. Children on holiday really need to:
- Be in contact with nature
- Live in a happy family environment
- Make new friends, confronting themselves with different ages and cultures
- Experience new things
Holiday-Education-Family, how can these three different dimensions help children to grow up and in their self-discovery?
Our aim is to not make education go on holiday, but rather to take education with on holiday with us. A successful family focuses on education. In certain occasions it is ok to let go, in others it is necessary to say “no”, but not without explaining clearly the reason
for saying no. Some simple and clearly motivated reasons are necessary. Bibione was successful in taking educational projects in the streets, because a family on holiday is more relaxed and parents can review their educational script. They can breath out, far away from
the daily routine of the winter, and start over trying to correct their mistakes and re-educate themselves. It’s not easy to be a mother or a father, but it is not easy to be a child either.
“Show Edutainment – A Nanny at home”: how was the idea born and which aims does it have?
In my everyday job I often take care of parental training for companies: within these activities, the aspect of having fun has great relevance. It is important to learn, but also to participate actively. It is very important to lighten the moments of tension which inevitably
take place in each family, trying to focus on the positive aspect of the situation. This show for families was a very ambitious project and it has given me an unexpected success. Nobody expected to have such a great crowd of people getting involved and participating emotionally.
“Nowadays parents need confrontation, they feel lonely, they don’t know how to educate their children properly. Confrontation helps parents to express themselves and you realize that the part you play as a trainer is capable to obtain good results”.
During the evening in Bibione, we spoke about many topics which are important for families nowadays:
- All parents acknowledge to have some skills which have to emerge
- Diversity has to be seen as a positive aspect, meaning that everybody has different talents. A well-balanced person has an acknowledged talent.
- Cyberbullism in the square, children are the starting point to re-educate ourselves, by means of their clear and innocent look. They are the starting point to re-educate adults.
- Homework: yes or no? An educational moment for a theme which is relevant also for parents.
- Stating love and emotions: it is very important to learn how to deal with emotions. Adults usually tell children not to cry, to not be sad or afraid. Adults usually show children emotions are not important, whereas they should teach them to recognise them and to channel them in the best way. It is ok to get angry, but you should deal with this emotion in a positive way. Adults have to help children to recognise their emotions and to deal with them in the correct way. An emotional education should become a school subject, since school is a place of main importance for education and teaching.
After this long and precious interview, Francesca Valla says good-bye to us with a famous quoting by Nelson Mandela which she often mentions: “Education is the most powerful weapon we have to change the world”.
This is really the sowing time.
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