Where can I find the general rental conditions?
The general rental conditions can be found inside the printed pricelist or on our website
What are the Q marks that appear near the description of the buildings?
The Q marks are the Quality Marks of the extra-hotel touristic accommodation that are assigned to each building according to the included services and to the buildings' main features (distance from the beach, swimming pool, garden, furniture, air conditioning, household appliances, presence of energy-efficient devices…) as well as the services offered by our staff (foreign languages, maintenance assistance, different types of credit cards accepted, etc.)
How can I book my holidays?
You can book your holidays in the following ways:
• Online through our website
• Contacting our Booking Centre in Bibione +39 0431 430144 or in Lignano +39 0431 423842
• Directly at our Tourist Agencies
How can I check the availability of the accommodations on the website etgroup.info?
The availability of our accommodations in Bibione and Lignano can be checked directly on the homepage of our website etgroup.info through the search bar at the bottom “book your holiday” or typing the name of the accommodation you would like to book in the search bar “search by name/structure code”.
Can I search for an accommodation according to my budget?
Yes, it is possible to look for an accommodation according to your budget: after the 1st step of research, you will find together with the results of the research all the filters which can be applied for the selection of the accommodation: by name, budget, town and area, type, comfort, category and number of rooms.
How can I see the location of an accommodation on the website?
On every page of the website, together with the description of the accommodations, there is a menu where various kinds of entries can be selected, including the “location”. The map with the position of the accommodation is anyway visible on the bottom part of the page with the description of the accommodation.
Are there any special conventions with some other companies?
There are some agreed conventions with some companies and institutions, you can contact us to know if you can use them.
How can I know if there are apartments which are accessible to disabled people?
In the description of an accommodation, there is a symbol which shows that the entrance to the common areas and to the lifts is suitable for people on a wheelchair; we suggest you to contact us directly for more information on the most suitable accommodations for disabled people.
Is there a minimum stay?
Usually the minimum stay in June, July and August is 5 or 7 nights. The etgroup.info website is constantly updated to reflect any changes.
Is it possible to book for more people than the number indicated in the accommodation’s description?
It is forbidden to host more people than the number indicated in the Booking Proposal according to the number of beds; also children are considered as adults.
Is it possible to book long stays?
It is possible to book a holiday of three or more weeks taking advantage of the special offer “Special long stay”, you can contact us for further information or check the special offers on our website.
What does the price include?
The price is calculated daily for each apartment and it includes the expenses for the electric energy consumption, warm and cold water, gas, air conditioning (or heating if it is included), cleaning service (initial and final), a 24-hour assistance service and an included beach place for each apartment. The price does not include the stamp of 2,00 Euros and the tourist tax.
How much is the tourist tax?
The tourist tax in Bibione goes from €0.75 to €1.60 (depending on the type of accommodation) per person/per night and is due for stays from May 1st through Sept. 30th. Everyone who is older than 4 years of age is required to pay this tax. The tax is only due for the first 10 days of stay.
The tourist tax in Lignano Sabbiadoro amounts to €0.75 (apartments) or €1.20 (hotels) per person/per night and is due for stays from May 1st through Sept. 30th. Everyone who is older than 11 years of age is required to pay this tax. The tax is only due for the first 10 days of stay.
Is the final cleaning included?
The final cleaning service is included except the kitchenette which has to be cleaned by the guests, moreover the garbage has to be thrown away and personal effects shouldn’t be left inside the apartment.
Can the number of the apartment and its orientation be guaranteed?
Each special request will be taken into consideration, but without guarantee.
Are pets allowed?
Pets are only allowed in some facilities for a surcharge of 35.00 euros per stay and a deposit of 100.00 euros.
How many parking spaces are available to me and how big are they?
Most apartments only have one parking space per apartment. Cars are only allowed to park in the assigned space, the dimensions of the parking spaces are standard and there is no guarantee that SUVs, vans or cars of non-standard heights and dimensions can be parked there. Please contact us for more information.
I won a free stay, how can I proceed?
The agency has to be contacted and the original copy of the voucher has to be sent; it is not possible to change the dates of the free stay or to postpone it to the following year. The apartment is assigned by the agency.
Is it necessary to send a deposit?
To confirm the reservation definitely it is necessary to send a deposit of 30% of the total amount of the price.
When must the deposit be sent?
When the booking is confirmed, the deposit must be paid within 7 days at the latest.
What different payment methods can be used?
The payment can be done with Visa or Mastercard credit card, ATM card or bank cheque (on site) or bank transfer, for last minute arrivals only credit cards are accepted; in case the payment is sent by bank transfer or postal order, it is necessary to indicate the Booking Proposal number in the purpose of the payment.
Where can the bank account details can be found?
The bank account details can be found in the Booking Proposal which is sent per email (or by post) or on our website at the following link: Payment
If I cancel my reservation, will I lose the deposit I’ve sent?
In case a reservation is cancelled at least three weeks before the arrival date and the cancellation is announced in written form you can receive a bonus corresponding to the sent amount of money, which can be used for a new reservation for the same year or the following one. The bonus is valid for all our accommodations (Hotels – Aparthotels – Apartments) both in Bibione and in Lignano Sabbiadoro.
Are there any cancellation fees?
There aren’t any cancellation fees.
Is it possible to modify a reservation after it has been confirmed?
It is possible to modify the dates of a reservation or the booked accommodation according to availability, in case a beach place with an extra price was also reserved it can’t be refunded.
Where can the cancellation terms be found?
The cancellation terms can be found at the 4th point of the general renting conditions which you can find on our pricelist or on our website at the page “general renting conditions”
How is the reservation confirmation sent?
The reservation confirmation is sent per email, by post or by fax.
I’ve made a reservation with the online booking, but I haven’t received a reservation confirmation. What must I do?
Try to check the inbox folder and the spam folder of the email address you used for the reservation. In case you can’t find the confirmation email you may contact us by phone or sending an email and we’ll send it to you again.
Are bed sheets and towels included?
Bed sheets and towels can be rented on request, in some accommodations (indicated on the pricelist) the 1st furnishing is given for free and it has to be requested upon arrival.
Which are the accommodations where the bed sheets and towels are given for free?
The accommodations where the 1st furnishing of bed sheets and towels is given for free are: Torre del Sole, Residenza delle Terme, Villaggio Marco Polo, Residenza al Parco a Bibione e Villaggio Tamerici e Terramare Village a Lignano.
When and how can I book my beach place in advance in Bibione?
The beach place can be booked after the receipt of the Reservation Confirmation only in the beach sectors run by the company Bibione Spiaggia (areas of Lido dei Pini, Bibione Spiaggia, Lido del Sole and in the beach sectors Pineda A and B), checking the availability on the website www.bibionespiaggiaonline.com and sending an email with the chosen beach place. In short time you will receive an email with the booking of the beach place in attachment, to be printed and taken with on the arrival day.
Is it possible to book a beach place in Bibione Pineda before the arrival day?
In Bibione Pineda it isn’t possible to book a beach place in advance, apart from the beach sectors Pineda A and B.
How can I book a place at the Pluto Beach in Bibione?
Due to the limited availability of places, it is recommended to contact the management of the Pluto Beach before the arrival day calling the number +39 371 3931992 or sending an email at franca.igor@libero.it. It is possible to use the same beach vouchers of the Bibione Spiaggia sectors but due to the special service the payment of a small extra charge is required.
What is the extra charge required for the dog using the beach vouchers or the hotel vouchers?
The extra charge required to guests of our apartments or of our hotels who show their beach vouchers is the following: 1ST THREE ROWS A/B/C (a beach umbrella + 2 sunbeds + one doggy bed + doggy bowl + leash) 63,00 Euros (10 Euros per day), FROM 4TH ROW FROM D TO L ( a beach umbrella + one sunbed + one deck chair + one doggy bed + one bowl + leash) 25,00 Euros (4,00 Euros per day)
What is the extra charge for a beach umbrella in the 1st three rows or near the lane?
In all the beach sectors of Bibione Spiaggia the extra charge for the 1st row places is 41,00 Euros per week, 36,00 Euros for the 2nd row and 31,00 Euros for the 1st row. The extra charge for the places near the lane is 7,00 Euros per day.
Is it possible to book a second beach place?
It is possible to book a second beach place with a weekly surcharge.
How can I book a beach place in Lignano?
In Lignano there is a fixed beach place for each apartment directly assigned to the guests by the agency upon arrival.
Can I take my dog to the beach in Lignano?
In Lignano there are two doggy beaches: Doggy Beach in Lignano Sabbiadoro and Spiaggia di Duke in Lignano Riviera, the place must by booked directly by the guest and there isn’t any special convention with the agency Unitas Marina. For more information on the tariffs you can check the website doggybeachlignano.com
Where and how can I register the people that will stay in the accommodation before the arrival to save time upon check-in?
Within the confirmation email you will find two links: one with the reservation confirmation to sign and send back and another one to access the online check-in, in which to indicate the number of people who will stay in the flat and fill in the various fields, adding also an identity card number and then clicking on “save”.
Does the agency have a transfer service?
The transfer service must be requested at the moment of the reservation and can be carried out from the agency to the apartment and viceversa, we don’t carry out transfer service outside Bibione.
Is the kitchen equipped and what must I bring with from home?
The kitchen is equipped with all the necessary things, the table linen and cloths are not furnished.
What are the opening times of the agencies?
The agencies Europa and Lina in Bibione and Unitas Marina in Lignano have the following opening times:
- from mid-September to mid-May from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
- from mid-May to mid-September from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
on Saturdays in summer it opens at 7:00 a.m.
In which agency can I pick up the keys?
In your confirmation letter you will find the name of the agency where to pick up the keys of the apartment/house you booked.
At what time can I check-in?
It is possible to check-In since early morning (on Saturday), but the cleaning of the apartment is guaranteed only from 5.00 pm.
At what time can I go into the apartment?
The keys are available from 11 am after the previous guests have left, we can give the keys to the new guests even if the apartment is not clean, but the cleaning is guaranteed only from 5.00 pm.
What are the necessary documents for the check in?
The necessary documents for the check-in are the confirmation letter for the private guests or the accommodation voucher for the Tour Operator guests, as well as the Id cards or passports of all guests.
Can the apartment be changed after checking in?
The apartment can be changed only during the arrival day and only in particular circumstances, e.g. severe defects in the apartment (which have to be proven) and in mutual agreement between the guest and the agency.
Is it possible to leave our things inside the apartment even if it hasn’t been cleaned yet?
It is better not to leave anything inside the apartment before it has been cleaned, to allow our cleaning staff to work better. If you need to leave something inside the apartment, please leave a note for the cleaning staff so that they can know it doesn’t belong to the previous guests who have left the apartment.
Must a deposit be left upon arrival?
The general rental conditions include the leaving of a deposit of 100,00 Euros at the discretion of the management. The deposit will be returned before the guest’s departure after checking the apartment; if the guests leave at night, the deposit will be sent at home.
If I arrive after the closing time, where can I pick up the keys?
For the guests of the agencies Europa and Bibione the keys can be picked up at the reception of Savoy Beach Hotel, open 24 hours per day, located in Corso Europa n. 51; for the guests of the agency Lina during the summer period at the reception of Laguna Park Hotel, located in via Passeggiata a Mare n. 20. The guests of agency Unitas Marina can pick up the keys at Green Village Resort, located in via Casa Bianca n. 4.
Who do we have to contact in case we need assistance for some problems in the apartment?
In case assistance service is needed, the guest can contact the agency where he picked up the keys on the arrival day.
Who do we have to contact in case we have an emergency while the agency is closed?
From 8.00 pm to 8.30 of the following morning for severe emergencies you can contact the reception of Savoy Beach Hotel +39 0431437319, our assistance service is available 24 hours per day; the exhaustion of the gas tank or the air-conditioning which stops working is not considered an emercency.
Can I take my pet to the beach?
It is not possible to take pets to the beach, except for to the Pluto Beach in Bibione and to the Doggy Beach or the Duke Beach in Lignano Sabbiadoro.
What must I do if the gas tank finishes?
You may contact our offices, the gas service is open from 8.30 to 8.00 pm.
What must I do f I feel bad while I am on holiday?
In Bibione and Lignano there are some emergency medical care centres, the citizens of the European Union must always have their health card with for the occasional treatments, whereas for the scheduled treatments they must have the S2 Model with prior authorization of the national institutions for money refund. In Bibione there is a dialysis centre with day duty for tourists.
For further information you may contact the call center +39 0421388501 or have a look at the website vacanzeinsalute.aulss4veneto.it
If we need a baby bed, a changing table or a stroller where can we rent them?
If you need a bay bed, a changing table (where available) or a stroller you may contact our offices.
How does the bike rental work?
For BIBIONE: if you want to rent bikes, you can contact our partner BIKE & GO, Corso del Sole 8 Bibione. The daily rate is 5.00 euros and the weekly rate is 16.00 euros per bike. A deposit of EUR 50.00 per bike is required.
For LIGNANO: Bicycles can be found directly at the Unitas Marina agency at the same prices and rental conditions.
>> General conditions for bike rental <<
Where can I make a complaint?
A complaint regarding the state of the apartment can be made at the agency where the guest has checked in, and it has to be made within 24 hours from arrival. Any written complaints made after the guest’s departure which don’t document the discomfort experienced by the guest and were not reported during the guest’s stay won’t be taken into consideration.
What is the ckeck-out time?
The apartment must be left within 9.00 am of the departure day.
Is it possible to leave before the check-out date?
It is possible to leave before the scheduled check-out date, giving notice to the agency where the keys were collected.
If we leave at night, where can we leave the keys?
The keys can be left in the letter box outside the agency where the keys were collected (with the symbol of the keys on it).
If we leave before the time, can we have a partial refund of the tariff we paid?
It is not possible to be refunded in case of an earlier departure, unless you have taken out an Alliance insurance policy through our website (Booking Protection Plus).
Is it possible to leave our luggage in the agency after checking in or out?
Yes, it is possible, but the management can’t take any responsibility for damage or theft.
• Is there a thermal centre in Bibione?
Yes, Bibione is home to Bibione Thermae, a renowned thermal complex. During your stay with the Europa Tourist Group, when you show your Europa Card, you will receive a 10% discount on all treatments in the SPA Bibione Thermae menu, on admission to the thermal pools, the wellness area, on all paid therapies and on the purchase of SPA brand products Bibione Thermae.
• How can I book treatments at Bibione Thermae?
You can book treatments and massages on +39 0431 441200. We remind you that when you present your Europa Card you will always receive a 10% discount on the price of massages and treatments. To book treatments, please contact the spa directly on +39 0431 441111.
How can I make a pre-reservation for the following year?
A pre-reservation can be made at any time, the form is available in our offices or it can be found inside the envelope with all the useful information for the guests which is given upon check-in. It is also possible to check the availability and make a reservation directly on our website www.etgroup.info
Where can I send a review?
At the end of your holiday, if you booked online directly through our website, you will receive an email with a short form with which you can review the accommodation where you stayed. All reviews will be published on our website within the pages of the various accommodations.
How can I always be updated on the news and special offers of Europa Tourist Group?
On our website www.etgroup.info if you scroll down the home page until the bottom, you will find the section “Live from Et Group”.
Here you can subscribe for our newsletter or follow us on our new blog Etgroup or on the main social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube.