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Количество гостей 2 Взрослые - 0 Дети
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Прокат плавательных

Renting a boat in Bibione and Lignano is a great way to discover the natural environment that surrounds these two peninsulas from a totally different perspective. Get ready to sail along the quiet rivers and lagoons of our territory.

During your holidays in Bibione and Lignano you can rent a boat without a boat license, even the less experienced will have fun on board smaller boats.

Electric boat rental in Bibione and Lignano

Guests of the Europa Tourist Group facilities can take advantage of the electric boat rental service offered by the Marina Azzurra Resort. These small electric boats do not require a boat license and can accommodate up to five people.

From the resort it is possible to gently sail along the Tagliamento river and discover the scenery of the lagoon.

Electric boat rental without license for:
2 hours 60,00 Euro / 3 hours 80,00 Euro

The electric boats are suitable for max. 5 persons.
More information and rental at the reception.

For information and reservations:
Marina Azzurra Resort, via Casa Bianca 109 - Lignano (UD)
+39 0431 430475

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